New Release of FUE Hair Restoration Technology from Dr U on Vimeo.
Worried about a growing bald spot or rapidly-receding hairline? Major hair loss is no joke – those suffering from baldness can certainly attest to that.
Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) hair surgery, a permanent and relatively non-invasive treatment for baldness, wasn’t always a viable option for individuals of color due to a lack of properly-advanced technology. This was especially true for those with thick, curly, Afro-textured hair; an oft-administered hair test disqualified those with type 4 hair entirely.
Dr. Sanusi Umar, world-renowned cosmetic hair surgeon, found the limitation imposed by FUE tools of the past unacceptable. His recently-released Dr.UGraft™ suite of FUE hair transplant tools has changed the field of hair restoration, allowing doctors to perform FUE surgery on patients of any and all genetic makeup.
The Dr.UPunch™ Difference
At the helm of this breakthrough is the Dr.UPunch™ FUE punch tip. Its uniquely-flared mouth and graduated, expanded inner chamber were engineered to cater to those with textured hair specifically. Where uniformly-round and straight FUE punches of the past were prone to transecting even moderately curly hair, the Dr.UPunch™ excels.

Its patented grip, pull, and score functionality gently excises each follicle. The delicate shaft is protected from the sharp cutting edge with a buffering inner wall. This configuration guides the punch around the C-curve path Afro-textured hair grows in, allowing each specimen to be scored safely and effectively, in less time than ever.
The Dr.UPunch™, when supplemented with the Dr.UGraft™ Revolution console and Nurture handpiece, also features a pedal-operated irrigation system. Each graft is hydrated at the point of extraction, protecting your yield from reduction via desiccation. This greatly improves regrowth rates across the board and is able to restore hair where other FUE hair transplant systems fail.

This revolutionary upheaval of the world of cosmetic hair restoration was no easy task accomplish. After spending years in research and development, Dr. U is proud to present his greatest invention to the world.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Dr.UGraft™ Advantage and Los Angeles FUE Hair Restoration
What is the best way to surgically restore a receding hairline?
Over the counter topical solutions tend to be hit-or-miss at best. Invasive strip surgery can leave prominent, undesirable scarring in the donor area. Follicular Unit Excision (or FUE surgery, for short) is a universally-applicable procedure that allows you to improve coverage in any area permanently.
What is the best cure for male pattern baldness in black men?
FUE hair transplant surgery with the help of the Dr.UGraft™ system is able to restore the appearance of a receding hairline in patients of all hair textures, including curly, type 4 Afro-textured hair.
Further Reading
One of Dr. U’s most widely-known studies on FUE hair restoration
Dr. U makes an appearance in the New York Times for his work in body hair transplant